Friday, February 23, 2007

So Much For the Moral High Ground on Terrorism

The Bush Administration has imposed an arms embargo on Venezuela because of its relationship with other OPEC countries which the administration claims have links to terrorists. No wonder the world thinks we have lost our way. What hypocrites we have become. In 2003 terrorists bombed the Spanish and Columbian embassies in Caracus. The admitted terrorists, former military officers Jose Antonio Colina and German Varella, fled to the United States and sought political asylum which was denied.

In spite of the denial of political asylum the Bush Administration refuses to return these admitted terrorist to authorities in Venezuela. Why would the Bush Administration care what happens to these admitted terrorists? The answer is simple. Since Bush took power in 2000 his administration has, on no less than three occasions, using the International Republican Institute, attempted to overthrow the democratically elected government of Hugo Chavez. The financial and political relationship between Colina and Varella and the IRI is well documented. I’m reminded of something I learned as a young man: “If you see it, you be it.”

Dog Out

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